Journey to Emotional Freedom: Exploring Inner Child Healing
Embark on a profound journey to emotional freedom through the exploration of inner child healing. Delve into the importance of this transformative process in unlocking the past and fostering genuine emotional freedom.
Connecting with the Inner Child
Learn techniques to establish a deep connection with your inner child. Create a safe space for exploration and healing. With inner child healing, you are guided through acknowledging and understanding the crucial role of unresolved emotions, finding the stuck places and reconnecting with yourself at an age that is calling you to healing.
Acknowledging and Understanding Emotions
Inner child healing becomes a powerful tool for self-discovery, offering insights into your emotional landscape. Simply identifying an age that experienced something that is playing out in your life, finding you at that age, in a place you may be stuck and uniting you in the present creates profound changes in your perspective. Unresolved emotions often linger beneath the surface, impacting our present experiences and understanding this plays a role in your healing process.
Examples of the process
An example of how this process works is this. Client A comes to her session with an issue in her relationship around food, cooking and the kitchen. As I guide her to discover at what age she identifies her current anger, she discovers that she is five, stuck in the kitchen cooking for her sibling and feeling all of the responsibility. She is guided to connect and reunite in the present with the five year old and at the end of the session, she is no longer angry, nor can she remember what her original issue was.
We are often stuck in a trigger at a certain age during an argument, and the other person is also stuck in a trigger at a certain age. When this happens, the two adults are no longer fighting. It is one persons, say 2 year old, and the others persons 6 year old in the fight. By connecting the dots from the trigger to the origin, it can begin the healing process.
If this resonates and you are curious if this is for you. reach out or book your consultation where we can discuss how this might be the right path for you.